Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Clearinghouses & Health Information Center

information clearing house

Information Clearing House is a massive compendium of dissident reporting, run by Tom Feeley, with help from 'Dick M'.[1] In 2016 it was included on the PropOrNot List. The site editing was temporarily suspended after Feeley had a stroke on 21st March, 2016,[2] but is up and running since then. In a May 2002 letter to then secretary Colin Powell, who served in the Bush administration, Leahy raised concerns that the Leahy law was not being applied to the Middle East. For advocates of the Leahy law, like Rieser, the lack of accountability for the killing of Abu Akleh, the prominent Al Jazeera journalist, is particularly galling, and has been the subject of criticism by senior Democrats on Capitol Hill. “I think the track record is really one of slaps on the wrist, temporary demotions, and short-term suspensions even for really serious violations,” said Paul.

34,356 People in Gaza

It was justified by lies that form the bedrock of America’s war propaganda in the 21st century, casting a new enemy, and target – China. Only one reporter, Wilfred Burchett, an Australian, had braved the perilous journey to Hiroshima in the immediate aftermath of the atomic bombing, in defiance of the Allied occupation authorities, which controlled the “press pack”. Today, Tom filed his most recent personal update, and the news, as Paul had warned, was not good. Japan Credit Rating Agency specializes in credit assessment and information services within the financial sector. The company provides ratings for bonds, structured finance products, and offers third-party opinions on various financial instruments. It also delivers sustainability-linked finance evaluations and publishes credit outlook reports.

Ways to Access Clearinghouse Data

When a driver completes the return-to-duty (RTD) process and follow-up testing plan, this information is also recorded in the Clearinghouse. For more than 20 years we have been providing information that our prostitute media are paid to ignore. Disorders of hearing, balance, taste, smell, voice, speech, and language affect more than one in ten Americans. To broaden the dissemination of information about disorders of human communication, the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) established the NIDCD Information Clearinghouse in 1991. The Clearinghouse provides the following services to help health professionals, patients, people in industry, and the public locate health information and resources. Tom Feeley describes the site's outlook that "that no life is more valuable than another, that every person has a right to live a life of peace and joy."[1] Each citizen has a civic responsibility to inform himself and share that information with others.

California is one of 11 states that have the death penalty but haven't used it in more than a decade - Pew Research Center

California is one of 11 states that have the death penalty but haven't used it in more than a decade.

Posted: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If The Mainstream Worldview Was Accurate, Gaza Wouldn’t...

Democracy is flawed due to widespread public ignorance about international and national affairs.

Internal state department documents show that the incidents were reviewed under a little-known process established by the state department in 2020 known as the Israel Leahy Vetting Forum (ILVF), in which representatives from relevant state department bureaus examine reports of alleged human rights violations by Israeli forces. Tim Rieser, a longtime senior adviser to Leahy, who helped write the Leahy law in the 1990s, said the inclusion of the language was probably intended to helpIsrael avoid scrutiny under the Leahy law, because it suggests as a matter of fact that Israel’s military justice system is independent enough to address any alleged human rights violations. In a follow-up letter in September, Leahy pushed for a “clear answer”, including whether the administration had ever sought the identity of the IDF units who shot the Palestinians. In another letter, sent by Leahy in December, he questioned how many times the US embassy had presented Israel with evidence of gross violations of human rights, and how many times those individuals were barred from receiving US assistance. “The military law enforcement system is used by Israel as a whitewash mechanism whose purpose is to block any criticism of Israel’s and the army’s policies in the territories. The percentage of convictions of soldiers is close to zero, even for the most serious violations,” said Dror Sadot, B’Tselem spokesperson.

amid war, says WFP

information clearing house

Abu Akleh was killed by a bullet that hit the back of her head while covering an Israeli operation in the West Bank city of Jenin. A CNN investigation found that there was no active combat or Palestinian militants near Abu Akleh in the moments before she was killed, and footage obtained by the network corroborated witness testimony that suggested Israeli forces had taken aim at the journalist. The two-page 2021 agreement, which has received little media attention, formalized changes in the Leahy law and included a statement about how Israel has a “robust, independent and effective legal system, including its military justice system”.

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Israel receives $3.8bn in military assistance annually and the Biden administration twice bypassed Congress last month to deliver an additional $250m in weapons. Progressive Democrats led by Bernie Sanders, the independent Vermont senator, have called on aid to Israel being conditioned on the US investigating potential human rights violations by Israel in its war in Gaza. Second, Israel must be consulted about alleged human rights violations that are under review and has 90 days to respond to claims, creating what some former officials said were significant delays. No other country’s government must be consulted under state department procedures, former officials said. To close what was seen as a loophole in the law, Congress updated the process in 2019, by putting a system in place that prohibits the foreign government from providing US assistance to any unit of its security forces that the US identifies as being ineligible under the Leahy law due to a gross violation of human rights.

An indispensable fighter in the struggle against war, capitalist injustice, and the Big Lie

Founded in 2001 by Tom Feeley, Information Clearing House is a website with a tagline that reads “News you won’t find on CNN or Fox News.” ICH’s primary focus is on advocating for peace and exposing war crimes. The website features counters that show the number of Iraqis slaughtered due to the USA war, the number of USA military personnel sacrificed due to the war, the number of international forces slaughtered in Afghanistan, and a count of the total cost of these wars. Paul, the former state department official who resigned from his post in protest against the Biden administration’s “blind support for one side”, said he had long argued internally that the US ought not to consider Israel’s military justice system as a “responsible functional justice system” when it comes to abuses.

“Part of the reason why the ILVF has never worked is that the process is so gummed up with delay mechanisms that exist for no other country,” the former state department official said. For other countries, former officials said, such a Leahy law determination is made by state department staff, does not require the consensus of all parties, and would not require notification ofand approval by the secretary of state or deputy. Like Hiroshima, the secret of the Marshall Islands was a calculated experiment on the lives of large numbers of people. This was Project 4.1, which began as a scientific study of mice and became an experiment on “human beings exposed to the radiation of a nuclear weapon”. “I write this as a warning to the world,” reported Burchett in the London Daily Express  of September 5,1945. Sitting in the rubble with his Baby Hermes typewriter, he described hospital wards filled with people with no visible injuries who were dying from what he called “an atomic plague”.

In the case of at least three countries – Israel, Ukraine and Egypt – the scale of foreign assistance is so great that US military assistance can be difficult to track, and the US often has no knowledge of where specific weapons end up or how they are used. “But the law has not been applied consistently, and what we have seen in the West Bank and Gaza is a stark example of that. Over many years I urged successive US administrations to apply the law there, but it has not happened,” Leahy said. The clearinghouses and programs below were created to provide plain-language health information and respond to questions about the diseases and conditions within the NIDDK mission.

Today, is my first attempt at returning to work and I hope that the ICH community will forgive my absence. I will be doing my best to return to regular daily updates but they will be somewhat reduced in content as I am determined to restore my health and provide news and insights that are not available on lamestream media. Each dataset contains 37 columns including brief narratives describing the incident scenarios.

From Australia north through the Pacific to South-East Asia, Japan and Korea and across Eurasia to Afghanistan and India, the bases form, as one US strategist told me, “the perfect noose”. Later, in a May 2018 letter from Leahy to the then secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who served in the Trump administration, Leahy sought a Leahy law review of the shooting deaths of about 100 Palestinian protesters from Gazawho had been killed since March of that year. “If credible information exists to trigger the Leahy law regarding any Israeli unit and the Government of Israel is not taking effective steps to bring the individuals responsible to justice, such a unit is no longer eligible for US assistance,” Leahy wrote.

Echoing statements by the IDF, the USCC released a short statement that there was “no reason to believe that this was intentional but rather the result of tragic circumstances”. The state department has declined to publicly release a report into Abu Akleh’s death by the USSC coordinator, Lt Gen Michael Fenzel. Citing a senior US official, Axios reported last year that Fenzel’s report did not include any new findings or conclusions.

The corporate media pumps information into our homes and does a great job of providing the information that our government wants us to know. It has in my opinion become the propaganda arm of government, and a great number of those who call themselves journalists are in fact nothing less than presstitutes. Rieser said there was a long history of correspondence – from the George W Bush administration through to the Biden administration – between Leahy and successive secretaries of state seeking answers to why the Leahy law was not being implemented in cases involving killings of Palestinians. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) apologized for the killing last year but the military advocate general’s office in Israel said in a statement that it did not intend to pursue criminal charges or prosecutions of any of the soldiers involved.

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Clearinghouses & Health Information Center

Table Of Content 34,356 People in Gaza Ways to Access Clearinghouse Data If The Mainstream Worldview Was Accurate, Gaza Wouldn’t... Info...