Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Clearinghouses & Health Information Center

information clearing house

Information Clearing House is a massive compendium of dissident reporting, run by Tom Feeley, with help from 'Dick M'.[1] In 2016 it was included on the PropOrNot List. The site editing was temporarily suspended after Feeley had a stroke on 21st March, 2016,[2] but is up and running since then. In a May 2002 letter to then secretary Colin Powell, who served in the Bush administration, Leahy raised concerns that the Leahy law was not being applied to the Middle East. For advocates of the Leahy law, like Rieser, the lack of accountability for the killing of Abu Akleh, the prominent Al Jazeera journalist, is particularly galling, and has been the subject of criticism by senior Democrats on Capitol Hill. “I think the track record is really one of slaps on the wrist, temporary demotions, and short-term suspensions even for really serious violations,” said Paul.

34,356 People in Gaza

It was justified by lies that form the bedrock of America’s war propaganda in the 21st century, casting a new enemy, and target – China. Only one reporter, Wilfred Burchett, an Australian, had braved the perilous journey to Hiroshima in the immediate aftermath of the atomic bombing, in defiance of the Allied occupation authorities, which controlled the “press pack”. Today, Tom filed his most recent personal update, and the news, as Paul had warned, was not good. Japan Credit Rating Agency specializes in credit assessment and information services within the financial sector. The company provides ratings for bonds, structured finance products, and offers third-party opinions on various financial instruments. It also delivers sustainability-linked finance evaluations and publishes credit outlook reports.

Ways to Access Clearinghouse Data

When a driver completes the return-to-duty (RTD) process and follow-up testing plan, this information is also recorded in the Clearinghouse. For more than 20 years we have been providing information that our prostitute media are paid to ignore. Disorders of hearing, balance, taste, smell, voice, speech, and language affect more than one in ten Americans. To broaden the dissemination of information about disorders of human communication, the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) established the NIDCD Information Clearinghouse in 1991. The Clearinghouse provides the following services to help health professionals, patients, people in industry, and the public locate health information and resources. Tom Feeley describes the site's outlook that "that no life is more valuable than another, that every person has a right to live a life of peace and joy."[1] Each citizen has a civic responsibility to inform himself and share that information with others.

California is one of 11 states that have the death penalty but haven't used it in more than a decade - Pew Research Center

California is one of 11 states that have the death penalty but haven't used it in more than a decade.

Posted: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If The Mainstream Worldview Was Accurate, Gaza Wouldn’t...

Democracy is flawed due to widespread public ignorance about international and national affairs.

Internal state department documents show that the incidents were reviewed under a little-known process established by the state department in 2020 known as the Israel Leahy Vetting Forum (ILVF), in which representatives from relevant state department bureaus examine reports of alleged human rights violations by Israeli forces. Tim Rieser, a longtime senior adviser to Leahy, who helped write the Leahy law in the 1990s, said the inclusion of the language was probably intended to helpIsrael avoid scrutiny under the Leahy law, because it suggests as a matter of fact that Israel’s military justice system is independent enough to address any alleged human rights violations. In a follow-up letter in September, Leahy pushed for a “clear answer”, including whether the administration had ever sought the identity of the IDF units who shot the Palestinians. In another letter, sent by Leahy in December, he questioned how many times the US embassy had presented Israel with evidence of gross violations of human rights, and how many times those individuals were barred from receiving US assistance. “The military law enforcement system is used by Israel as a whitewash mechanism whose purpose is to block any criticism of Israel’s and the army’s policies in the territories. The percentage of convictions of soldiers is close to zero, even for the most serious violations,” said Dror Sadot, B’Tselem spokesperson.

amid war, says WFP

information clearing house

Abu Akleh was killed by a bullet that hit the back of her head while covering an Israeli operation in the West Bank city of Jenin. A CNN investigation found that there was no active combat or Palestinian militants near Abu Akleh in the moments before she was killed, and footage obtained by the network corroborated witness testimony that suggested Israeli forces had taken aim at the journalist. The two-page 2021 agreement, which has received little media attention, formalized changes in the Leahy law and included a statement about how Israel has a “robust, independent and effective legal system, including its military justice system”.

Compare Information Clearinghouse to Competitors

Israel receives $3.8bn in military assistance annually and the Biden administration twice bypassed Congress last month to deliver an additional $250m in weapons. Progressive Democrats led by Bernie Sanders, the independent Vermont senator, have called on aid to Israel being conditioned on the US investigating potential human rights violations by Israel in its war in Gaza. Second, Israel must be consulted about alleged human rights violations that are under review and has 90 days to respond to claims, creating what some former officials said were significant delays. No other country’s government must be consulted under state department procedures, former officials said. To close what was seen as a loophole in the law, Congress updated the process in 2019, by putting a system in place that prohibits the foreign government from providing US assistance to any unit of its security forces that the US identifies as being ineligible under the Leahy law due to a gross violation of human rights.

An indispensable fighter in the struggle against war, capitalist injustice, and the Big Lie

Founded in 2001 by Tom Feeley, Information Clearing House is a website with a tagline that reads “News you won’t find on CNN or Fox News.” ICH’s primary focus is on advocating for peace and exposing war crimes. The website features counters that show the number of Iraqis slaughtered due to the USA war, the number of USA military personnel sacrificed due to the war, the number of international forces slaughtered in Afghanistan, and a count of the total cost of these wars. Paul, the former state department official who resigned from his post in protest against the Biden administration’s “blind support for one side”, said he had long argued internally that the US ought not to consider Israel’s military justice system as a “responsible functional justice system” when it comes to abuses.

“Part of the reason why the ILVF has never worked is that the process is so gummed up with delay mechanisms that exist for no other country,” the former state department official said. For other countries, former officials said, such a Leahy law determination is made by state department staff, does not require the consensus of all parties, and would not require notification ofand approval by the secretary of state or deputy. Like Hiroshima, the secret of the Marshall Islands was a calculated experiment on the lives of large numbers of people. This was Project 4.1, which began as a scientific study of mice and became an experiment on “human beings exposed to the radiation of a nuclear weapon”. “I write this as a warning to the world,” reported Burchett in the London Daily Express  of September 5,1945. Sitting in the rubble with his Baby Hermes typewriter, he described hospital wards filled with people with no visible injuries who were dying from what he called “an atomic plague”.

In the case of at least three countries – Israel, Ukraine and Egypt – the scale of foreign assistance is so great that US military assistance can be difficult to track, and the US often has no knowledge of where specific weapons end up or how they are used. “But the law has not been applied consistently, and what we have seen in the West Bank and Gaza is a stark example of that. Over many years I urged successive US administrations to apply the law there, but it has not happened,” Leahy said. The clearinghouses and programs below were created to provide plain-language health information and respond to questions about the diseases and conditions within the NIDDK mission.

Today, is my first attempt at returning to work and I hope that the ICH community will forgive my absence. I will be doing my best to return to regular daily updates but they will be somewhat reduced in content as I am determined to restore my health and provide news and insights that are not available on lamestream media. Each dataset contains 37 columns including brief narratives describing the incident scenarios.

From Australia north through the Pacific to South-East Asia, Japan and Korea and across Eurasia to Afghanistan and India, the bases form, as one US strategist told me, “the perfect noose”. Later, in a May 2018 letter from Leahy to the then secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who served in the Trump administration, Leahy sought a Leahy law review of the shooting deaths of about 100 Palestinian protesters from Gazawho had been killed since March of that year. “If credible information exists to trigger the Leahy law regarding any Israeli unit and the Government of Israel is not taking effective steps to bring the individuals responsible to justice, such a unit is no longer eligible for US assistance,” Leahy wrote.

Echoing statements by the IDF, the USCC released a short statement that there was “no reason to believe that this was intentional but rather the result of tragic circumstances”. The state department has declined to publicly release a report into Abu Akleh’s death by the USSC coordinator, Lt Gen Michael Fenzel. Citing a senior US official, Axios reported last year that Fenzel’s report did not include any new findings or conclusions.

The corporate media pumps information into our homes and does a great job of providing the information that our government wants us to know. It has in my opinion become the propaganda arm of government, and a great number of those who call themselves journalists are in fact nothing less than presstitutes. Rieser said there was a long history of correspondence – from the George W Bush administration through to the Biden administration – between Leahy and successive secretaries of state seeking answers to why the Leahy law was not being implemented in cases involving killings of Palestinians. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) apologized for the killing last year but the military advocate general’s office in Israel said in a statement that it did not intend to pursue criminal charges or prosecutions of any of the soldiers involved.

Opinion: Big Brave Keyboard Warriors: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

information clearing house

American scientists, including medical doctors, built distinguished careers studying the “human uptake’. When an islander died in his teens, his family received a sympathy card from the scientist who studied him. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an act of premeditated mass murder that unleashed a weapon of intrinsic criminality.

The Big Media is the visible face of the plutocracy. And our main jailer.

These narratives can be used to extract data that are not captured by specific product codes within the Clearinghouse dataset. For example, within the Clearinghouse there are product codes for “bicycles”, but there is no code for “eating”. In order to search for people who were injured on their bicycle while eating, you would need to download a dataset and search bicycle incident narratives for instances of “eating”. In a January 2009 letter to then secretary Condoleezza Rice, Leahy expressed incredulity that the state department was “unaware” of a single incident involving the IDF that would trigger the Leahy law. “The department conducts Leahy vetting consistent with the law in the case of all countries receiving applicable assistance, including Israel,” the spokesperson added. But people familiar with the process who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Israel had benefited from extraordinary policies inside the ILVF, details of which have not previously been reported.


NIDDK receives congressional authorization for information clearinghouses and activities to enhance public knowledge and understanding of the diseases and conditions within its mission. You can access legislative information about NIDDK Information Clearinghouses and related activities at uscode.house.gov section 285-c1 and section 285-c8. Spokesman says Tel Aviv in compliance with recent directive in war conduct, provision of humanitarian assistance. "Israel has murdered 33,000 Palestinians, because they are brown they are just numbers. "The just killed 7 white people and now they are in trouble." An online database that gives employers and government agencies real-time access to information about CDL driver drug and alcohol program violations. What was never in dispute was its prowess as a bully — with more than 30 members of the United Nations suffering American sanctions of some kind and a trail of the blood running through defenceless countries bombed, their governments overthrown, their  elections interfered with, their resources plundered.

Iran’s True Promise Operation: Vanessa Beeley dissects the...

information clearing house

The U.S. government has been supporting Israel’s military assault on the civilian population of Gaza, including by arming Israel and repeatedly blocking ceasefire resolutions. The United States is sending Israel additional weapons to kill while defunding UNRWA to starve defenseless, unhoused, sickened and starving Palestinians. In a country historically scarred by violent racism towards Asians, Australians of Chinese descent have formed a vigilante group to protect delivery riders. Phone videos show a delivery rider punched in the face and a Chinese couple racially abused in a supermarket. The Clearinghouse contains records of violations of drug and alcohol prohibitions in 49 CFR Part 382, Subpart B, including positive drug or alcohol test results and test refusals.

In a statement to the Guardian, the former Vermont senator said the purpose of the Leahy law was to shield the US from culpability for gross violations of human rights by foreign security forces that receive US aid and deter future violations. When the Leahy law was first passed in 1997, it was designed with Central America and Colombia in mind. The US was providing hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to combat narco-traffickers and insurgents, but human rights groups were documenting serious human rights abuses by Colombian military and police units. While the state department does not publicly announce when it targets specific foreign units, experts say they believe it has been effective in Central America, Colombia, Nepal and other countries. Some experts see a connection between the US’s hands-off approach to Israel on human rights violations and Israel’s conduct in the war in Gaza.

Stock Clearinghouse to Suspend Data Feed Criticized for Leaking Trading Info - The Wall Street Journal

Stock Clearinghouse to Suspend Data Feed Criticized for Leaking Trading Info.

Posted: Wed, 07 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

NIDCD Information Clearinghouse

Former officials who spoke to the Guardian said they did not know how the language came to be included in the US-Israel agreement, but speculated it was probably added by Israel. Nowhere is the US’s double standard on Israel more apparent than in a 2021 agreement that was signed by a senior state department official, Jessica Lewis, who serves as assistant secretary for political affairs, and the Israel ambassador to the US, Michael Herzog. Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources. The two major parties and their candidates offer no serious plan for how to deal with the declining empire they seek to lead.


Michael Gove smeared our ‘Clearing House’ work. But MPs have sided with us - openDemocracy

Michael Gove smeared our ‘Clearing House’ work. But MPs have sided with us.

Posted: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In a July 2023 letter to the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, four Democratic senators – Chris Van Hollen, Leahy (now retired), Chris Murphy and Dick Durbin – criticized the Biden administration for not following through on earlier calls for an “independent, credible investigation”. In questions to the administration, the senators asked what, if any, steps the United States Security Coordinator (USSC), who conducted an independent forensic analysis of the bullet that killed Abu Akleh, took to try to establish who specifically shot her and why. Few organizations have been as critical of Israel’s military justice system than B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights group. In the review into Abdu’s death, which reports suggest may have been a case of mistaken identity, internal state department documents note that Israel declined to respond to questions by state department officials about the shooting. NATO denies plans to send troops to Ukraine; Stoltenberg’s rebuttal of Macron remarks comes as Kremlin warns of conflict if West puts boots on ground in Ukraine.

end war,

("Endicott") announced today that it has acquired a majority stake in Information Clearinghouse Inc. and Market Service Inc., home to the Creditntell, F&D Reports, ARMS and AggData brands (collectively "the... Information Clearinghouse, also known as RetailStat, is a provider of retail intelligence and credit risk management solutions. The company offers data-driven insights for credit extension, site selection, acquisition strategies, underwriting, and more, with a focus on retailer health and intelligence data. RetailStat primarily serves sectors such as retail, real estate, finance, and consumer packaged goods.

An indispensable fighter in the struggle against war, capitalist injustice, and the Big Lie

A February 2016 letter from Leahy to the then secretary of state, John Kerry, cited a “disturbing number of reports of possible gross violations of human rights by security forces in Israel and Egypt”, including “extrajudicial killings by Israeli military and police”. Under the Leahy law, for most countries and in most cases, a foreign military unit is granted US military assistance or training after it is vetted by the state department for any reported human rights violations. The law prohibits the Department of State and the Department of Defense from providing funds, assistance or training to foreign security force units where there is “credible information” that the forces have committed a gross violation of human rights. The lack of enforcement of the Leahy law in Israel appears especially troubling to its namesake.

The US signed more than two dozen similar agreements with other countries at that time – including Greece, Jordan, Georgia, Ukraine and Latvia – but none contain language endorsing the other countries’ military justice systems. In response to questions about why consultation with Israel was considered part of the state department’s standard practice in all Israel Leahy vetting cases, the spokesperson said the department “routinely consults foreign governments on Leahy vetting matters, not just Israel”. A state department spokesperson said details of internal department deliberations could not be discussed, but that there was “no requirement that consensus among ILVF participants be reached in order to move forward with an assessment under the Leahy law”.

information clearing house

The state department set up working groups to examine those countries where military assistance is considered “untraceable”. Paul told the Guardian “numerous people”, including himself, raised concerns over the years inside the state department that the Leahy process “is not working” and that gross violations of human rights were occurring “without accountability”. Indeed, no Israeli unit has ever gotten to the point of being sanctioned under the Leahy law even though credible allegations of gross human rights violations exist. Paul also sees the lack of Leahy law enforcement having an effect on how Israeli units are conducting themselves.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Tales From The Box Office: Rob Zombie's House Of 1000 Corpses Was The Cult Horror Hit No Studio Wanted

house of 1000 corpses clown

In that same EW interview, he explained how things came together rather quickly. When the studio shelved the film fearing that it would receive an NC-17 rating,[7] Zombie re-acquired the rights. They were eventually sold to Lions Gate Entertainment, who released the film in April 2003. Despite receiving an unfavorable response from critics, it went on to gross $16 million worldwide. Since its release, the film has achieved a cult following, was developed into a haunted-house attraction by Zombie for Universal Studios, and was followed by two sequels, The Devil's Rejects (2005) and 3 from Hell (2019). From there, the film launches you on a roller coaster ride of guts, gore, and some of the most garish visuals your eyes will ever see.

[Article] FRIDAY THE 13TH – Revisiting the Franchise’s Hits & Misses

As anyone familiar with his music videos can attest to, it's not a surprise that Zombie has etched his name in the annals of horror movie history. What is surprising is that House of 1000 Corpses took such a long and winding road to the theaters, that he initially thought he wouldn't be making sequels, and above all, that it was his first film. The movie simply feels too self-assured, too confident, and frankly, too good to be a first outing. Horror fans might be familiar with the fact that House of 1000 Corpses was inspired by 1970s horror films such as The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. However, they might be surprised to learn that the villains' names were influenced by comedian Groucho Marx.

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In 3 from Hell, Spaulding, Otis, and Baby are revealed to have just barely survived the shootout with the police, and are put on trial and imprisoned shortly after their recovery. A decrepit Spaulding is executed by lethal injection sometime later, leading to Otis and Baby attempting an escape.

From Universal to MGM (but only briefly)

Shortly after, a mysterious figure appears hidden in some overgrowth and shoots out their vehicle's tire with a shotgun. The group thinks it is just a blown out tire and so Baby takes Bill to her family's house to get a tow truck. Moments later, Baby's half-brother, Rufus, picks up the stranded passengers and takes them to the family home. The film debuted alongside Adam Sandler's "Anger Management," which easily took the top spot that weekend with $42.2 million. However, ranking in at number seven on the charts was the realization of Zombie's dream, as his blood-soaked horror film that two major studios kicked to the curb pulled in a respectable $3.4 million.

Mr. Haig was the recipient of numerous awards for his work in horror movies. In August, he was given the Vincent Price Award for excellence in the genre. Punctuated by bizarro cutaways and surreal sequences, House of 1,000 Corpses very nearly never saw the light of day, thanks largely to a procession of studio executives who believed they were punk rock enough to ride, only to clutch for their pearls at the last second.

Halloween Horror Nights have brought the Firefly home to the real world

NECA Shipping ‘House of 1000 Corpses’ 8″ Clothed Captain Spaulding Action Figure! - Horror Society

NECA Shipping ‘House of 1000 Corpses’ 8″ Clothed Captain Spaulding Action Figure!.

Posted: Wed, 03 Aug 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Although a biopic of Marx that Zombie was supposed to direct has yet to come to fruition, Marx's work will forever live on through Zombie's characters. House of 1000 Corpses' Captain Spaulding takes his name from a character in Animal Crackers, Otis B. Driftwood comes from A Night at the Opera, Rufus T. Firefly is taken from Duck Soup, and Hugo Z. Hackenbush is from A Day at the Races. Chad Bannon and David Reynolds also appear as amateur robbers Killer Karl and Richard Wick. Earl Firefly, referred to in the credits as "The Professor", is portrayed by Jake McKinnon.

Though I’d hesitate to call the film a horror-comedy, it feels self-aware of its own absurdity and leans into the laughs at all the right moments. Spaulding remains calm and even well-humored throughout the entire robbery. Tension mounts as the score pulses, you can sense the energy charging for something sinister. Suddenly, an ax-wielding maniac, donning a large mascot-like head mask bursts into the room. He cuts down one of the criminals as Spaulding disposes of the other with a gunshot to the head. The maniac removes his mask and laughs wickedly as Spaulding hovers over the dying criminal.

Fortunately, a then-young Lionsgate (going by Lions Gate at the time) had done well with gore and horror previously with films like "American Psycho," and risk was not an issue for them. Zombie penned the screenplay himself and things barreled forward at a blistering pace by big movie studio standards. With a cast that included the likes of Chris Hardwick after his MTV days, Rainn Wilson before his fame from "The Office," Sheri Moon Zombie, Sid Haig, and Bill Moseley as the Firefly Family, production began in May 2000. The explosion of the movie’s fanbase really hit actor Robert Allen Mukes, who played Rufus Firefly, for the first time a few years ago, when he signed an autograph for a 12-year-old girl. The parents are showing it to their kids, and the kids are telling their friends,’” he said.


house of 1000 corpses clown

Otis, Baby, and Spaulding escape in Charlie's 1972 Cadillac Eldorado and leave behind Tiny, who walks back into the burning house. As Otis drives down the road with Baby and Spaulding asleep in the back seat, he notices a police barricade ahead of them. Realizing that they will not make it out alive, he wakes Baby and Spaulding and hands them each a gun. They speed toward the barricade, guns blazing as the police return fire, fading to black. Sure, this movie isn't everyone's cup of tea (to say the least of it), and most of Zombie's films are made for a very specific audience.

I responded the way I did because I couldn’t fully comprehend what the fuck I had just watched. I’ve always told people that HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES is the film equivalent of vomit; it’s gross, violent, acidic, multi-colored, and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I mean this as a compliment, of course, as films rarely elicit such a guttural reaction. This speaks volumes about how ahead of his time Zombie was, especially given that the film still feels as gnarly and disgusting today as it did during its release. Beyond instilling the film with fiendish visuals, Zombie also injected it with his own brand of humor and camp. A large part of why the movie works at all is because it never makes the mistake of taking itself too seriously.

As the opening credits rolled, my heart raced—I knew immediately I was watching something completely different. The opening sequence, which remains one of my all-time favorites in any horror film, sets the mood for what’s to come. A roadside tourist trap, owned and operated by a clown named Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig, The Devil’s Rejects), is being robbed by a couple of local thugs.

He often uses this establishment as means of directing more victims toward the Firefly house. Captain Spaulding is sometimes referred to by his alias "Cutter", which is a nickname he is said to have earned after knifing a man to death. On October 30, 1977, amateur criminals Killer Karl and Richard Wick attempt an armed robbery at a gas station/horror museum, but are killed by the owner, Captain Spaulding, and his assistant, Ravelli.

In time, director Rob Zombie bought the rights, and went on his own harrowing adventure to find another distributor. MGM eventually picked up the film and scheduled it for release in October 2002, but it was dropped after Zombie reportedly joked about Universal having "no morals" for not distributing the film, and then, "Well, MGM picked it up. I guess they have no morals." The Devil's Rejects was released on July 22, 2005, to minor commercial success, and mixed reviews, although it was generally considered an improvement over its predecessor. At the time of release and in the years since, the film has garnered a cult following. It was the final film to feature Matthew McGrory before his death the same year, although he did have a posthumous cameo in 2017's The Evil Within, which had been filmed in 2002, and the film's DVD release was dedicated to his "loving memory."

house of 1000 corpses clown

But damned if he hasn't proven there's absolutely an audience for this brand of hardcore horror over the years, even if he had to overcome some pretty impressive hurdles to demonstrate that initially. It's an impressive story of perseverance paying off, no matter what one thinks of the movie in question. There were whispers that Zombie was going to just put the movie out himself because, at that point, what other options did he have? Universal was content to just chalk it up as a loss, while MGM wouldn't even publicly acknowledge that they made a deal.

The movie as we know it centers on two young couples taking a tour along the back roads of America in search of a local legend known as Dr. Satan. Unfortunately, when they become stranded with no options, they cross paths with a family of psychos — the Firefly Family — and murder ensues. More people are catching on (including Universal, which used House of 1,000 Corpses as the basis for part of its annual Halloween Horror Nights in 2010, 2011, and 2019). Cherry also runs a server on the social messaging platform Discord that has accumulated more than 150 members, who gather to discuss and post about Zombie’s movies and other horror flicks like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

It finally hit theaters in 2003, though, much to the distaste of critics—and the delight of a small slice of the moviegoing public. Although House of 1000 Corpses is a cult classic that made Zombie a household name in the horror genre, the director himself actually doesn't like the film very much. In a 2014 interview, Zombie said, "The first film [I directed], which people seem to love, is just a calamitous mess. Well, when it came out it seemed like everyone hated it. Now everyone acts like it's beloved in some way. All I see is flaw, upon flaw, upon flaw." The movie's violence and sadism led to it not being able to shake an NC-17 rating, caused Universal to shelve it.

Clown Horror 47 books

house of 1000 corpses clown

I’ll admit, the first time I watched HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES, I couldn’t decide if I loved or hated it. This was likely the general reaction from most audiences who saw the movie around the time of its release. I know now that this reaction usually follows viewing something that’s entirely original and fresh.

Sid Haig, Rob Zombie's Captain Spaulding, Dead at 80 - Loudwire

Sid Haig, Rob Zombie's Captain Spaulding, Dead at 80.

Posted: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The house is the same one used in a 1982 musical

Rob Zombie’s classic HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES is one of the most unique horror staples in recent cinematic history. The film has a notorious production history and was anything but well-received upon its initial release in April of 2003. Before finding its home at Lionsgate, it was rejected by Universal Studios, and MGM as well. So, how is it that sixteen years later Universal is giving the movie its own maze at Halloween Horror Nights?

Clown Horror

"I just think that our movie seemed like too big of a publicity risk for the studio, and it wasn't worth it to them, because Corpses was not going to make them $100 million. And that's why we were dropped." His wife, Susan L. Oberg, announced his death on Monday on his Instagram account. Mukes goes to about 20 cons a year now, often dressed as Rufus in a grimy plaid shirt and filthy jeans.

Top cast

This is the same studio that previewed the film and decided to kick Zombie and his crew to the curb. It’s interesting what some time can do to a film’s reputation, and in this review, I’ll discuss the horror community’s collective journey to loving and appreciating this gem of a movie. People tend to be their own worst critics — although critics have plenty of scathing things to say about House of 1000 Corpses. While House of 1000 Corpses is brilliant to many, it was, as mentioned earlier, Zombie's directorial debut, so he's bound to look back and find issues with it. This is probably exacerbated by the fact that he took a different artistic approach to the following Firefly movies. No matter how Zombie feels, however, House of 1000 Corpses continues to make Halloween must-watch lists every year.


The interviewer says that average clowns usually aren't convicted of 38 murders, like Spaulding was, causing him to laugh hysterically. Shortly after, a breaking news bulletin announces that Captain Spaulding was executed via lethal injection. On May 18, 1978,[a] Texas Sheriff John Quincey Wydell and a large posse of state troopers issue a search and destroy mission on the Firefly family, who are responsible for over 75 homicides and disappearances over the past several years. Rufus is killed and Mother Firefly is taken into custody while Otis and Baby escape. They steal a car, kill the driver, and go to Kahiki Palms, a run-down motel.

Halloween Horror Nights have brought the Firefly home to the real world

house of 1000 corpses clown

Captain Spaulding met up with Otis and Baby, the only two to escape, at the Kahiki Palms Motel. Wydell, who had been slowly going insane after learning of his brother's death, traced them to Altamont and pressured him into giving them up. She makes her way to the main road where she encounters Captain Spaulding, who gives her a ride in his car. She passes out from exhaustion in the front seat, and Otis suddenly appears in the back seat with a knife. Denise later wakes up to find herself strapped to an operating table, surrounded by Dr. Satan and Earl, who survived the cave-in.

house of 1000 corpses clown

[Article] Nightmarish Conjurings’ Official 2023 Creepmas Gift Guide

House of 1000 Corpses won't go down in history as the most commercially successful horror movie of all time, nor the most critically acclaimed. This hardcore horror film's style plays like a terrifying music video, providing a roller coaster ride of gruesomely colorful scenes. To the squeamish, this movie can come off as shocking, repulsive, and downright unwatchable, due to its gory nature. It does, after all, contain torturous mental abuse, bloody murder, and, for good measure, necrophilia.


The best films aren’t always the ones with the best writing, acting, or directing. I want a film to have a soul that transcends the story and all its participants. I want a story I’ll remember because I had never seen anything else quite like it. CORPSES checks all of those boxes for me and continues to with each viewing. I’ve read recently that Zombie himself struggles to look back fondly on the film, due largely to the rough-and-tumble experience of making it, and the negative reception that followed its release.

Even so, it's not as though the studio was blindsided by the film Zombie cooked up. Speaking to The AV Club in 2005, the director explained that he was very honest about his intentions when the project was coming together. Luckily, the intervening years had only sharpened House of 1,000 Corpses’ flavor. “It’s a pre-9/11 film, released to a post-9/11 audience, that somehow really handily preempts all these themes we had suddenly become obsessed with in our movies,” Martin said. Surveillance, captivity, revenge, paranoia, culture clash—it was all in there. A nasty little stink bomb of a grindhouse slasher, the “plot” of House of 1,000 Corpses, if it can be called that, concerns four kids (including a pre-Office Rainn Wilson) who get lost on the backroads of America while searching for a local legend named Dr. Satan.

He later picks up Denise, the only survivor of the ordeal, and takes her right back to the house. To vote on books not in the list or books you couldn't find in the list, you can click on the tab add books to this list and then choose from your books, or simply search. To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. Luckily for Lionsgate and Rob Zombie, this movie's near-mythic status due to its controversial reputation built up in horror circles and essentially served as free marketing for the morbidly curious. "I knew the ending sucked, so I let it suck and they said, 'The movie's great but the ending sucks' and I know. So they gave me more money and we shot a more elaborate ending, bigger sets, the whole razzamatazz. All through, Universal was loving it." House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, and 3 From Hell’s Captain Spaulding is gone.

Sid Haig, a character actor whose career was so long and prolific that his star-making turn in Rob Zombie’s horror trilogy began when he was 64 years old, has died at age 80. According to his wife, Susan L. Oberg, Haig died over the weekend on Sept. 21. Safety was an afterthought, with one scene calling for an actor to dodge a real ax wielded by another performer whose vision was severely compromised by his costume.

The plot centers on a group of teenagers who are kidnapped and tortured by a psychotic family during Halloween after traveling across the country to write a book. "Corpses" finished up its run with $12.6 million domestically and $4.1 million internationally, for a grand total of $16.8 million. Now, that wouldn't have covered Universal's initial investment, but since Lionsgate scooped it up on a deal, the film did well for them. Particularly since untold scores of fans later discovered the movie on home video, with various DVD and Blu-ray releases arriving over the years to further add to Lionsgates's profit margins.

Manes was introduced to House of 1,000 Corpses while playing Tubi roulette a few years ago, and was instantly drawn to how the movie reveled in its own wickedness. The movie mutated on the fly, the scenes mercury in Zombie’s hands as he showed up each morning brimming with new ideas—new pages for the cast to memorize, new sets for the crew to construct. Moseley himself was one of them, having already collected a number of horror credits, including The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, the Night of the Living Dead remake, and Army of Darkness.

Instead of finding him, they’re captured by a psychotic family called the Fireflys, who—spoilers—brutally kill off the youngsters one by one. It's even harder to grasp that the world has lost an enormous number of the actors who starred in the cult classic since its release. Wydell sets the house on fire and leaves Otis and Spaulding to burn, but he lets Baby loose outside so he can hunt her for sport. Baby gets shot in the calf of her left leg, brutally horse-whipped, and then strangled by Wydell. Tiny suddenly arrives and intervenes, breaking Wydell's neck and saving the Firefly family.

An artist is entitled to be hard on his early work, but all the fans see is bloody goodness. When Denise doesn't come home, her father Don calls the police to report her missing. Don, a former policeman, is called to the scene to help the deputies search. They arrive at the Firefly house and Wydell questions Mother Firefly about the missing teens. Mother Firefly shoots Wydell in the head and kills him; Don and Steve are then killed by Otis when they find more bodies of missing cheerleaders in the barn, along with a barely conscious Mary.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sam's Chowder House: Lobster Rolls in Half Moon Bay

gilberts chowder house

It is different than a Boston lobster roll but good in its own, West Coast way. When you are staying next to a restaurant that always has a full parking lot, then you know it must be good. That was the case for Sam’s Chowder House in Half Moon Bay, which I visited on the last night I was in town, staying next door at Beach House – Half Moon Bay. It was a busy Friday night with live music playing and everyone talking and having a great time. I sat down and quickly ordered the lobster roll, which The Today Show called one of the five best sandwiches in America. Here is all the info from that visit and my return to Sams in 2022.

Here Are 5 Reasons To Despise Maine Drivers in The Winter - 92moose.fm

Here Are 5 Reasons To Despise Maine Drivers in The Winter.

Posted: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Pacific Coast Highway: Where to Stop on Your Road Trip

I can also confirm that it is still amazing and I enjoyed it just as much on my trip back in 2022. Check it out if you are driving PCH and let me know what you think in the comments. Sam’s is located right on Pacific Coast Highway in the north part of Half Moon Bay. You can’t miss it while driving down the coast as it is the one with the large sign and packed parking lot. I was able to walk over from my hotel, so I didn’t utilize the parking, and after a short wait, I was shown to a table.

When it comes to upholding the standards of honest midwestern cuisine, no other steakhouse comes close.

We got the lobster stew, clam chowder and the crab sandwich.Everything was good, lobster stew has a very buttery and creamy taste. Our menu is inspired by the farm-to-table concept, featuring modern takes on rustic comfort food. Enjoy Midwestern-raised USDA Prime Aged Black Angus beef -- and fresh seafood, flown in daily -- cooked over an open, mesquite wood-fired grill. When possible, we work with local farmers, craftsmen and other artisan purveyors to bring you the freshest ingredients. Named for legendary Kansas City restaurateur Joe Gilbert, our top-rated steak restaurant stands as a hometown tribute to the hospitality icon himself.

Visit Portland

I was impressed by how much lobster I got with the sandwich; it was worth the price paid. I usually don’t like coleslaw, but I found myself eating it with the lobster pieces as it added a complementary flavor. I ate the roll slow to savor every bite of the lobster, and it is something I would come back to Half Moon Bay for.

I guarantee you won’t be leaving any behind, it is that good, and the ahi is that fresh. The chips are great as well, and I confirmed that they are baked in-house, which is why they tasted so good. Well-known chowder house has a dinerlike interior & a patio overlooking Custom House Wharf.

gilberts chowder house

Custom House Wharf to be sold after 200 years of family ownership - Press Herald

Custom House Wharf to be sold after 200 years of family ownership.

Posted: Thu, 04 Nov 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Our restaurant was born in Kansas City, a destination once known as the 'Paris of the Plains' because of its widespread penchant for bootlegging during Prohibition. With this under our belts, we craft and serve the finest cocktails, wines and more -- the perfect complement to an exceptional meal. Whether you’re on the hunt for date night restaurants, somewhere to celebrate special occasions or just a great meal, J. Gilbert’s delivers a fine dining meal in a down-to-earth atmosphere. And true to our Midwestern values, dishes always include the sides.

There were good sized pieces of clams in the chowder as well, which was fantastic, and the bacon added a robust flavor to make it a solid chowder. If oysters are on the menu at somewhere that I trust, then I have a hard time not ordering them. I already had a full meal ordered, so I just tried the two most popular kind, the Kumamoto and the Point Reyes oyster. I would say the Kumamoto is better as it has more flavor, but they are both good. This dish has ample portions of melt in your mouth ahi that has been marinated in soy sauce, sesame oil, and green onion. I was surprised by how much ahi they gave you as it could easily be shared with two people.

Gilbert’s Chowder House has proudly served the people of Portland and its visitors on the waterfront for years. Find places to stay, things to do, restaurants, shops, group meeting services, venues, and much more.

A quaint New England style restaurant overlooking Casco Bay on Commercial Street. We offer five delicious types to choose from including; clam, fish, corn, seafood and seafood chili. We also have a variety of seafood entrees that will satisfy every hungry patron. Come experience for yourself what fresh from the ocean seafood tastes like and let our servers take care of you. The lobster came on a sweet, buttery toasted slice of bread, which let the lobster shine without introducing too many other flavors.

I like to order unique things when I see them on the menu, so I went with this dish since I hadn’t seen anything like it before. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was impressed with the smooth, creamy taste the olive oil added, and the sea salt just brought out the flavors of the ice cream. The chowder is one of the most popular items at Sam’s, and it is easy to see why. I just tried the New England; it was made in the traditional style with clam broth, creme, clams, potatoes, bacon, onion, and thyme. It was a delicious chowder; I appreciated that it was light on the cream as that makes it much easier to eat with a meal.

Gilberts Chowder House, Portland Menu, Reviews 602, Photos 103

gilberts chowder house

Our restaurant was born in Kansas City, a destination once known as the 'Paris of the Plains' because of its widespread penchant for bootlegging during Prohibition. With this under our belts, we craft and serve the finest cocktails, wines and more -- the perfect complement to an exceptional meal. Whether you’re on the hunt for date night restaurants, somewhere to celebrate special occasions or just a great meal, J. Gilbert’s delivers a fine dining meal in a down-to-earth atmosphere. And true to our Midwestern values, dishes always include the sides.

Robin’s Restaurant: Amazing Lunch in Cambria

There were good sized pieces of clams in the chowder as well, which was fantastic, and the bacon added a robust flavor to make it a solid chowder. If oysters are on the menu at somewhere that I trust, then I have a hard time not ordering them. I already had a full meal ordered, so I just tried the two most popular kind, the Kumamoto and the Point Reyes oyster. I would say the Kumamoto is better as it has more flavor, but they are both good. This dish has ample portions of melt in your mouth ahi that has been marinated in soy sauce, sesame oil, and green onion. I was surprised by how much ahi they gave you as it could easily be shared with two people.

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I was impressed by how much lobster I got with the sandwich; it was worth the price paid. I usually don’t like coleslaw, but I found myself eating it with the lobster pieces as it added a complementary flavor. I ate the roll slow to savor every bite of the lobster, and it is something I would come back to Half Moon Bay for.


A quaint New England style restaurant overlooking Casco Bay on Commercial Street. We offer five delicious types to choose from including; clam, fish, corn, seafood and seafood chili. We also have a variety of seafood entrees that will satisfy every hungry patron. Come experience for yourself what fresh from the ocean seafood tastes like and let our servers take care of you. The lobster came on a sweet, buttery toasted slice of bread, which let the lobster shine without introducing too many other flavors.

Sam’s Chowder House: Lobster Rolls in Half Moon Bay

I can also confirm that it is still amazing and I enjoyed it just as much on my trip back in 2022. Check it out if you are driving PCH and let me know what you think in the comments. Sam’s is located right on Pacific Coast Highway in the north part of Half Moon Bay. You can’t miss it while driving down the coast as it is the one with the large sign and packed parking lot. I was able to walk over from my hotel, so I didn’t utilize the parking, and after a short wait, I was shown to a table.

We got the lobster stew, clam chowder and the crab sandwich.Everything was good, lobster stew has a very buttery and creamy taste. Our menu is inspired by the farm-to-table concept, featuring modern takes on rustic comfort food. Enjoy Midwestern-raised USDA Prime Aged Black Angus beef -- and fresh seafood, flown in daily -- cooked over an open, mesquite wood-fired grill. When possible, we work with local farmers, craftsmen and other artisan purveyors to bring you the freshest ingredients. Named for legendary Kansas City restaurateur Joe Gilbert, our top-rated steak restaurant stands as a hometown tribute to the hospitality icon himself.

gilberts chowder house

Pacific Coast Highway: Where to Stop on Your Road Trip

I guarantee you won’t be leaving any behind, it is that good, and the ahi is that fresh. The chips are great as well, and I confirmed that they are baked in-house, which is why they tasted so good. Well-known chowder house has a dinerlike interior & a patio overlooking Custom House Wharf.

Gilberts Chowder House Reviews

Changes in Store for the Portland, Maine, Custom House Wharf? - Q97.9

Changes in Store for the Portland, Maine, Custom House Wharf?.

Posted: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

It is different than a Boston lobster roll but good in its own, West Coast way. When you are staying next to a restaurant that always has a full parking lot, then you know it must be good. That was the case for Sam’s Chowder House in Half Moon Bay, which I visited on the last night I was in town, staying next door at Beach House – Half Moon Bay. It was a busy Friday night with live music playing and everyone talking and having a great time. I sat down and quickly ordered the lobster roll, which The Today Show called one of the five best sandwiches in America. Here is all the info from that visit and my return to Sams in 2022.

Gilbert’s Chowder House has proudly served the people of Portland and its visitors on the waterfront for years. Find places to stay, things to do, restaurants, shops, group meeting services, venues, and much more.

I like to order unique things when I see them on the menu, so I went with this dish since I hadn’t seen anything like it before. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was impressed with the smooth, creamy taste the olive oil added, and the sea salt just brought out the flavors of the ice cream. The chowder is one of the most popular items at Sam’s, and it is easy to see why. I just tried the New England; it was made in the traditional style with clam broth, creme, clams, potatoes, bacon, onion, and thyme. It was a delicious chowder; I appreciated that it was light on the cream as that makes it much easier to eat with a meal.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Wren House Brewing Co Your complete guide to the 100 best bars in metro Phoenix

wren house brewing company

We've been going there since the late '80s, and if you're a longtime Phoenician, you've probably been there, too. The Aranki family bought it in 1999 and added title loans to its repertoire, but little else has changed. Its offbeat name, which apparently refers to its drive-thru and is emblazoned in blue-and-red neon, has always made the place stand out as the gritty liquor store it is. The location in south-south-Arcadia is perfect for all the low-rent apartments in the area.

Best Blues Bar

wren house brewing company

By now, many drinkers have heard the legend of Atsuo Sakurai, a sake brewer who traded Japan for Holbrook and painstakingly crafts Arizona Sake — at first out of his garage, now out of a modest sake brewery. Sakurai's standard sake, his junmai ginjo, is indeed excellent. But one of his rarer bottles, Desert Snow, is even better. In the bottle, this gray-white unfiltered rice brew looks about as cloudy as fresh-squeezed lemonade. All of that extra sediment brings an unreal, milky goodness. Sometimes you can find this sake on higher-end menus around town, but you might have to head to Holbrook.

Best Authentic Arizona Restaurant

Longtime craft beer maestro Todd Helton uses 88 pounds of Oregon boysenberries for every batch of his Boysenberry Sour. This brew, the best staple at Helton (yes, better than the pilsner), is made for sipping or flat-out crushing under the desert sun. It's bright and crisp with a rounded tartness and the lush, mellow fruit of the berries blushing through. Somehow, it seems to take on a new personality based on the food you eat while enjoying a bottle or two. Sours are a difficult style, and Helton has cemented his year-round staple as the most memorable version made in Phoenix. Exposed industrial piping, large picnic tables, and bearded guys trying to explain what beer is to the bartender must all be part of some brewery handbook.

wren house brewing company

Best Patio Dining

Even with all this, Wren House hasn't taken even a half-step back in quality or lost a drop of charm. More classic styles like pilsner (Valley Beer) remain first-rate, and Wren still makes what might be the state's best stout in Jomax. Pool said this light, refreshing brew often converts the people who don’t think they’ll enjoy craft beer, but after they try it, “then they start experimenting and trying all the other craft beers as well,” he said. The goal, he said, is to create a “classic, welcoming, comfortable beer-drinking environment.” No brewing will be done at this location. Should we tell of all the things we should not have done because of products we bought at Liquor Wheel? So let's talk about the venerable institution itself, which has been around since the 1950s.

Some nights you’ll find local food trucks out front, or you can head over to Pa’la just down the street for wood-fired Mediterranean food. In Phoenix, which uses direct fire, they make their stouts, porters, barrel-aged beers and new styles. “What I like is the diverse types of beer they offer,” he said.

Wren House Brewing Company

Wren House is a welcome change from that standard. In the Green Gables neighborhood in Midtown, the taproom was once a 1920s bungalow and is a perfect place to stop by for one beer and then forget what time it is four hours later. Their beer is exceptional, and they’re constantly incorporating local flavors, like Sinagua malt, Arizona wheat, and local citrus.

Arizona's best local beer of the year, according to Untappd - The Copper Courier

Arizona's best local beer of the year, according to Untappd.

Posted: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Spellbinder and Valley Beer also won medals at the Australian International Beer Awards in May. The space has about 2,200 square feet inside that will feature communal seating and a 1,000-square-foot north-facing patio, which will be dog-friendly. The menu is still in the works, but there will be no servers; bar bites will be available from walk-up windows. In Arcadia, Ingo’s has burgers, cocktails by the carafe, and outdoor seating that’s perfect for lunch on sunny days.

It’s Wednesday, and you don’t feel like cooking; you’re hungry, but don’t know what you want to eat. It’s too bad you don’t live in a city where you can drive up and down a single street that’s chockablock with dining choices, considering your options before tucking in for a really swell repast. Watering holes are sprinkled throughout this desert city, from corners of strip malls to underground hideouts, rooftop bars, and downtown destinations. We've got beer bars, wine bars and dive bars galore.

Arizona Wilderness DTPHX

And the booze selection will appeal to both sommeliers and the average working man or woman. Going back to the Liquor Wheel is as natural as the Circle of Life. Co-owner Drew Pool of Phoenix said they plan to expand the patio and keep the existing private dining room, and they’ll build a large island bar inside serving Wren House beers and handpicked European imports.

In fact, Pool confirmed that as with the 24th Street tap room, there won’t be any TVs. “We want it to be centered around community and enjoying one another and enjoying the beer,” he said. Glai Baan in one of the best Thai food spots in midtown Phoenix, in a charming converted bungalow with lots of interesting cocktails.

Chances are, even if you’re choosy about your beer, you’ll find something to like at Wren House. In any given year, it releases more than 50 beers. In addition to being dedicated to the environment, Wren House is committed to making outstanding beers. Its Spellbinder hazy IPA won the gold medal at the Great American Beer Festival in 2020 in a field of 377 brews from around the country.

Craft beer fans rejoiced recently when award-winning Wren House Brewing Company announced it will open a European-style beer hall in Ahwatukee this winter. Welcome to the 2023 list of the Top 100 Bars in metro Phoenix. The Churchill is a bunch of repurposed shipping containers in downtown Phoenix with local vendors selling burgers, pizza, tacos, and drinks.

We've got mixologists making waves in national circles, bringing the Phoenix cocktail scene to new heights, alongside bartenders who specialize in remembering their regulars' names. Valley Bar is a basement bar that’s great for cocktails, dancing, and bar games and definitely worth checking out when you’re in downtown Phoenix. In fact, Pool got the idea for Wren Südhalle during his visits to beer halls on frequent travels for work. Smith likes the fact that this will bring a new experience that Ahwatukee, with its abundance of sports bars, doesn’t have. To keep up on news about Wren Südhalle, visit wrenhousebrewing.com and follow instagram.com/wrenhousebrewing.

His cofounder is Bill Hammond of Phoenix, who still works full-time at Intel along with Pool and handles operations and back office. Preston Thoeny of Phoenix is director of brewing operations. “We do one or two beer releases a week, or a new take on a beer,” Pool noted. The addition of the Prescott facility allowed Wren House to expand production from 2,000 barrels in 2020 to 6,500 now. Pool said during the heart of COVID-19, the tap room shut down and their bar and restaurant accounts went on hiatus, so they closed for 18 months and packaged all their beer in cans to sell directly to consumers.

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